
Special Needs Children

Medical Daycares & Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care's (PPEC) located in Longwood, Orlando and Apopka, FL

Special Needs Children

About Special Needs Children

Nearly 20% of American children today have special health care needs. Parents find support for their special needs children at Little Angels PPEC in Longwood and Orlando, Florida. The experienced professionals specialize in pediatric care for special needs children. Their compassionate approach helps children and parents feel confident and relaxed, leading to a better quality of life for the family as a whole. Call either facility or click the online scheduler to request a tour now. 


Special Needs Children Q&A

What problems do special needs children face?

The Social Security Administration lists the following as special needs categories for children under 18:

  • Low birth weight and failure to thrive
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Digestive disorders
  • Sense and speech disorders
  • Genitourinary disorders
  • Hematological disorders
  • Skin disorders
  • Endocrine system disorders
  • Neurological disorders
  • Congenital disorders affecting more than one system
  • Mental disorders
  • Cancer
  • Immune system disorders

Each category has hundreds of specific conditions within it. In general, some of the most common special needs that Little Angels PPEC cares for include physical, developmental, and sensory impairment disorders. 

How does medical daycare help the families of special needs children? 

Medical daycare can be extremely helpful for special needs children and their families. At Little Angels PPEC, medical daycare takes over the often-complex job of caring for your child’s unique medical needs. 

Trained nursing care specialists can administer medication, provide feeding tube care, manage colostomy or ileostomy bags, manage ventilators, and much more. 

There are several reasons that parents say medical daycare is so beneficial for special needs children, including:

  • Some parents don’t have training to manage complex medical needs
  • Some parents must return to their jobs and can’t stay home with their child
  • Some parents feel nervous about managing delicate medical needs

Another big benefit of medical daycare is that special needs children aren’t isolated. They get to be in a comfortable atmosphere with other kids who face similar challenges. 

Parents gain peace of mind, knowing that their child receives the highest-quality care from medical professionals in a clean and safe environment. 

How can special needs children qualify for medical daycare?

Little Angels PPEC specializes in special needs daycare, and they’re experts at streamlining the process of getting the care children need. After you tour the facility, you sign some paperwork to access your child’s medical records and put the approval process in motion.

In most cases, it only takes about five business days to coordinate with Medicaid and get your child approved for medical daycare. 

At the same time, you can get approval for nonemergency medical transportation. This means that Little Angels PPEC picks your child up, takes them to the facility, and brings them home at the end of the day. All transport vehicles are staffed by a trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). 

Call Little Angels PPEC or book your facility tour through online scheduling now.