

Medical Daycares & Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care's (PPEC) located in Longwood, Orlando and Apopka, FL


About PPEC

Prescribed pediatric extended care (PPEC) allows your child to get attentive care for their complex medical condition in a dedicated healthcare facility. At Little Angels PPEC, with two facilities in Longwood and Orlando, Florida, nursing care and therapy professionals offer comprehensive care for special needs children. PPEC provides reliable care for children and their families in the most convenient way possible. Phone the nearest facility or request your site tour online today.


What is PPEC?

Prescribed pediatric extended care (PPEC) is a program for Medicaid-eligible children with complex medical conditions. 

With PPEC, children can get medical care away from their homes in a special facility. PPEC facilities are not hospitals. You can think of them more like medical daycare. 

What types of care does PPEC include?

PPEC includes comprehensive nursing services and therapy. 

Nursing services

Nursing care services are provided by registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and certified nursing assistants (CNAs). The highly trained specialists manage medical needs, such as medication delivery, intravenous infusions (IVs), colostomy care, ventilator care, and many others. 


Physical, speech, and occupational therapists help your child develop new skills, reclaim lost abilities, and become more independent and self-assured. All therapy plans are goal-oriented and tailored to each child’s individual capabilities and needs. 

In addition, Little Angels PPEC offers transportation services so your child can get back and forth to daycare easily. Vehicles are equipped to carry your child’s medical devices, and a trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is always in the vehicle with your child. 

Will my child like PPEC? 

The children at Little Angels PPEC generally love being around so many other kids especially those who also have special medical needs. Many special needs and medically fragile kids can feel isolated and unhappy when they spend months or years never being able to leave home or the hospital. 

PPEC can open up a whole new world for kids. Alongside their necessary health care, they get to sharpen social skills, make friends, and enjoy activities that improve their quality of life. 

How long does PPEC last?

In the state of Florida, children enrolled in PPEC can receive up to 12 hours of care per day. On weekdays, Little Angels PPEC is open 12 hours (6:30 am - 6:30 pm), on Saturdays, the hours are 8 am - 2:30 pm, and on Sundays, the facility is closed. 

The duration of this care varies with the young patient. For children with chronic conditions, it may be ongoing. 

For others, for example, children who are recovering from a major procedure like an organ transplant, PPEC may be temporary or intermittent. Your child’s physician monitors their progress throughout their time in PPEC and makes changes to the plan as needed. 

Ready to learn more about PPEC? Call Little Angels PPEC or book your consultation through the provided online scheduler now.