

Medical Daycares & Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care's (PPEC) located in Longwood, Orlando and Apopka, FL


About Nursing

Nursing care should nurture and support patients and that’s especially important when it comes to the care of special needs children. At Little Angels PPEC, the skilled nursing specialists offer wide-ranging nursing services for children from infancy to age 19. With two convenient facilities in Longwood and Orlando, Florida, and nonemergency medical transportation also available, the experts are waiting to help your family. Phone the office in your area or click online booking now. 

Nursing Q&A

What is nursing care?

Nursing care is health care administered by a registered nurse (RN), licensed practical nurse (LPN), certified nursing assistant (CNA), or nurse practitioner (NP). All types of nurses are an essential part of health care today, and, in fact, they’re the backbone of the medical experience for many people. 

What does nursing care cover?

Nursing care spans a wide range, with nurses specializing in every type of medicine today. Little Angels PPEC specializes in pediatric nursing care for special needs children. From infants to older teens, children of every age visit the facilities in Longwood and Orlando to get customized nursing care. 

Some of the many covered conditions and unique needs are: 

  • Failure to thrive
  • Premature or low birth weight
  • Post organ transplant
  • Post-surgery 
  • Children needing tube feeding
  • Tracheostomy patients who are oxygen-dependent
  • Feeding disorders
  • Genetic disorders
  • Rare diseases
  • Insulin injections, pump management, and monitoring in children with diabetes
  • Renal failure
  • Heart disorders
  • Immune system diseases
  • Brain injuries, seizures, and neurological disorders (with physical disability)
  • Colostomy and ileostomy
  • Chronic lung disease (and tracheostomy care)
  • Physical abuse and severe physical injuries

Every child’s situation is unique. If your child needs special nursing care and you can’t provide it in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to Little Angels PPEC to ask about whether nursing care is a good fit for your family’s needs. 

How can I get nursing care for my child? 

The first step in starting the nursing care process is a meeting at Little Angels PPEC. You tour the facility, discuss your child’s needs, and talk about long-term goals. If you’re ready to proceed with skilled nursing care for your child, you then sign consent forms. This allows Little Angels PPEC to get your child’s up-to-date medical records. 

Your admission paperwork starts right away when you sign the consent forms. Usually, it takes an average of five business days to get your child’s insurance approval. The process includes applying for both nursing care and nonemergency medical transportation. 

So, from the time you start the process to the time your child starts getting the nursing care they need, it could be less than a couple of weeks. 

If you’re an exhausted and frustrated parent looking for help managing your child’s medical needs, Little Angels PPEC is here for you. Call the nearest office or click the online scheduling tool to arrange your tour now. 

Accepted Nursing Insurances and Medicaid Plans: Aetna Better Health, Humana Medicaid HMO, Sunshine Medicaid HMO, Sunshine CMS Plan, Simply health Medicaid HMO.

If you have a commercial insurance and cost of share with medicaid, please submit details of both insurances when requesting PPEC services.