
Medical Transportation

Medical Daycares & Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care's (PPEC) located in Longwood, Orlando and Apopka, FL

Medical Transportation

About Medical Transportation

When your child needs special care but doesn’t need hospitalization, finding the ideal medical daycare can be challenging. Little Angels PPEC makes the process of finding the right fit easy by offering comprehensive services, all in one place. They provide nonemergency medical transportation to easily get your child to their top-rated medical daycare and then back home at the end of the day. There are two facilities in Longwood and Orlando, Florida, so call the one nearest you or book your visit online now.

Medical Transportation Q&A

What is nonemergency medical transportation?

Nonemergency medical transportation provides a safe, medically monitored ride for people who need to go to a medical facility for routine or supportive care. Typical examples include getting a ride to a doctor’s office, medical facility, a medical daycare like Little Angels PPEC, or any other place where patients get medical support. 

But, at Little Angels PPEC, nonemergency medical transportation is more than just a taxi ride. The transport vehicle is staffed by a medical professional who can quickly recognize and respond to medical needs that may arise during the ride. Services include rides to the facility and back home later. In addition, children can get transportation to and from doctor visits. 

Nonemergency medical transportation doesn’t take the place of an ambulance. In a medical crisis, patients need an ambulance to reach their nearest hospital as quickly as possible. 

Does my child qualify for nonemergency medical transportation? 

At Little Angels PPEC, nonemergency medical transportation covers the needs of young patients who need medical daycare in Orlando or Longwood. Medical daycare covers nonemergency needs, such as:

  • Medical monitoring
  • Treatments (medication, injections, infusions, or others)
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Tube feeding
  • Care of surgical sites

If your child qualifies for medical daycare, they can also qualify for nonemergency medical transportation to receive that care in a safe and comfortable environment.

Little Angels PPEC helps parents with the paperwork and insurance so they can navigate through this period and get their children the care they need. 

Is nonemergency medical transportation safe for a medically fragile child?

Nonemergency medical transportation is specially designed for young, medically fragile patients. At Little Angels PPEC, a trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) staffs every nonemergency medical transport vehicle. 

Having an experienced medical field provider in the vehicle with your child means they’re safe and in good hands. This medical professional is trained to support your child’s medical needs while in transit. 

If there’s ever any type of emergency, your child’s EMT recognizes it and ensures they get the care they need immediately. 

Be sure to send any medical equipment your child needs with them. This ensures there is no disruption in getting the support they need. 

Book your appointment online or call Little Angels PPEC to learn more about nonemergency medical transportation today.

Accepted Medicaid Transport Brokers: MTM, Modivcare, Ride2MD